Spellwork for Sale
This really bothers me. I used to have my www.terraspirit.org site at Webs.com before moving it to wordpress, and at webs.com, you can create web rings. I had a Canadian Pagan webring. I was more than happy to add sites to my webring, as long as they were Canadian, and Pagan, and did not sell magic spells. It irritated me to no end to stumble across sites from 'witches' offering , for a small (or NOT so small fee as in some cases) fee, to do spellwork on your behalf. A new love, a new job, health etc. Now, I don't know how many readers have ever watched the Secret, but if you have and if you do not know alot about Witchcraft, the Secret is pretty much the non-witches version of magick. You have a goal, and you visualize it, you send that energy out to the Universe/Divine/God/dess or what have you and that energy , in the form of your desire, should manifest. A witches way of doing it is usually a bit more ceremonial and is much more fun, lol..... but the basic concept is