Crazy World
So much craziness. I often wonder what it would be like to be internet-less. Shut down my online store, place an away email reply message , plug the actual house phone in, (I always unplug it and then forget about it.) and take a hiatus. The internet super-highway. All the information you will ever want it seems, and much more than you ever need. (kind of like Wal-Mart) It makes it harder to remain mindful, to remain connected to spirit and disconnected from the material world when checking email and facebook activity multiple times per day. I’m not saying that the material world is bad. It has its place most definitely. I see nature around me and the changing seasons as a reflection of my inner self. I’m not the kind of Witch that worships God and Goddess so-and-so, and who has visions of celtic divas in long gowns dancing the dance of fertility with her horned god. I mean, I use imagery like that as personifications of aspects of me. Not as separate deities. The elements all ...