
Showing posts from September, 2016

Star Song

There go the windchimes. Wooden and clanking in the pre-dawn breeze. A song my heart understands in this darkness


When I feel anxious, I don't focus on why. I ask instead what it MEANS that I feel anxious. The answer? Because I CARE. Then I feel better. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) September 16, 2016

Happy 6th Birthday Diaspora* !!!

In six years diaspora*  has come a long way. Initially when I first heard of it, it was intended to be something that a person could install onto their own computer and connect with anyone else using diaspora*. This was the goal of the founding diaspora* team. It turned out to be a bit more complicated to install than would be comfortable for the average person, and most people interested in social networking don't have a server kicking around to toss this onto, some people were frustrated that it did not immediately meet that expectation. However, there were many people who DID have server space and enough tech-savvy skills to create their own diaspora* pods and they started popping up all over, open for the public to use. As the years passed, more and more have opened, many of them hosting thousands of people, while some stay closed to their own personal interest group. Regardless, we have many pods, with many people in many places, all communicating with one another and inte

Autumn Embraces

In the morning hours, when the rushing cars are not quite capable Of drowning out the stillness, left over from night. Leaves still green from summer's warmth have a hue underneath, Snapshot in time, caught between colours . The breeze picks up and the song begins, a melody of aging. The tune sung when starting out towards the darkness of winter. The path towards darkness is called autumn, and the trees cry, They begin to lose their leaves bit by bit, the rustle of the death rattle Or do they rejoice? Are they exclaiming joyfully the inescapable passage From green to gold to emptiness? Letting go willingly? Sounds of celebration, thousands of trees, bushes and hedges. Grasses and flowers, swaying  and dancing, the sound increasing upon the arrival of autumns breath. The birds join chorus and proclaim the end of summer with vigor and honesty. The wind rises and wraps around me, and I wear it while homeward bound.

Of Gods and Cycles of Searching

This summer was a bit strange, well not strange for me, but strange compared to those who enjoy Summer and perhaps even go outside in it. We did go camping once but other than that I tried to avoid the heat as much as possible. It was a summer of introversion and inner seeking. I started with the OBOD Order of Bards Ovates and Druids last fall. It is very open to whatever religion you practice, you can even be atheist. But for whatever reason, perhaps due to a renewed interest in the Wisdom teachings, which ended up leading to the sayings of Gospel of Thomas I also had found myself sort of drawn toward progressive Christianity and mysticism. (a practice I had had before) To support this renewed interest in Christianity,  I restarted my Quarters of the Day, read my Thomas Merton and incorporated more meditation and prayer into my life. When I found out that Harvard Divinity School was doing some of their classes online for free via edX I was thrilled. This summer I took 4 classes in th

And Another Test Post

My Friendica->Wordpress stopped working, not sure where it has been foiled along the way.  So sending this one from # Hubzilla , let's see how far it gets.

Cross Posting

Sometimes it's hard to choose one single blogging/communication platform. Some people are on Tumblr, some are on LJ (yes still!) some are on Blogger and some are on Wordpress. I've been looking for  way to  do an 'all in one' post and so this is a test post to see where it goes to. Also including an image as well.

Test Post from In the Wind

Test Post from In the Wind