November Round up
Well, we re-racked our first batch of mead yesterday. It is pretty much done. Down to 1.000 and DRY as can be. Really no sweetness to it whatsoever. Just about time to add a finishing agent to it and then into bottles to age. is going to be no more. The decision has been made. We will keep in touch with those members who want to keep in touch via . It works better for the size of group that we have. It can be more personalized than a general forum, more social. For the most part our forum was just a place where we'd pop in and say 'hi' from time to time and that's about it. The same old threads over and over... just time to move on. I think Ning will work fine. Granted its odd to go back to an advertising supported platform, but oh well. It's nice to share pictures and interact more socially. I missed the Open House for the Medicine Lodge at Chilliwack River today. Family came over though, so it was a good enough reason to ...