One Path, Two Tools (or, Confessions of an Anglipaganostic)
I think I'm probably too tired to write this post, however I'm going to do it anyhow. First of all I want to thank the Universalist Fellowship of the Sacred path - my fellow clergy and friends there who are supportive of me and my journey (as I am equally supportive of them). It's amazing how we have all been on such spiritual pilgrimages. We exchange stories and thoughts and ideas - as varied as we are in our own religious convictions, we share in one thing - we don't easily fit into a predetermined religious framework. My biggest thanks to Bishop Mansell Gilmore who does such an amazing job of supporting us all. I go through cycles of varied beliefs and understandings. It looks on the outside like a complete 360, however each time I come round in that circle I have something new I've learned that I've brought with me. I don't know why it should surprise me that I go in circles. After all, our life is a spiral that circles inward, and circles outward