Names... Mundane and Otherwise
I've been thinking about adopting a name for myself. Starting along a new path and all. I have a 'magical' name that is private and was chosen for my group. But our group has changed in a few ways, it's grown and sort of roamed new horizons. Seems fair that it might be time for a new Working name. Also, we might be doing some public rituals, as I am hoping to work toward an ordination within the CWABC. (crossing fingers) . I would like a name to be able to use publicly. so, anyhow... Trees are important to me. They represent perfection in so many ways. They are rooted... the current of life moves through them. They provide shade, and either food from their fruit or materials for creating (and sometimes eating) from their bark. They breathe our foul air and bless us with clean air. They are the grandest of all living things. Anyhow, Apple was my first choice... but I realized that with all its associations, both magical and mundane (ipads and iphones being pretty