Terra Spirit Pagan Fellowship

Well, the name was approved! And we have five of us that will be the first board of directors. I think we will be the first legal Pagan group in the Fraser Valley. We kept the name Fraser Valley out of the title because when we incorporate, we want to be able to have the freedom to NOT base ourselves in the Fraser Valley, but be open to a wide variety of areas. Especially if we move out to the Kootenay boarder or one of the Gulf Islands one day.
Sheila had mentioned a few weeks ago that when she was reading something that had Terra Spirit in the title, she thought it said Terra Spirit Farms. I had thought it sounded wonderful. Maybe we can buy some land at some point and do some co-farming? Who knows what lies in the future, I just know that we are taking the first steps to doing something very important. I've had that feeling for awhile. When I first started TerraSpirit.Org, I felt that it could be something great.

Terra Spirit Pagan Fellowship

Our Mission:

To unite local pagans for fellowship and celebration.

Our Vision:

Many Pagans in the area have expressed the desire to see more ‘community’ amongst themselves, and it is the goal of this organization to make that into a reality.

Through coffee-meets, Yarning Webs, outings and networking, we hope to make Terra Spirit Pagan Fellowship a group that grows and flourishes.

What We Believe:

We all have different views and opinions. We are all unique in the way we connect with the Divine. TSPF is not a teaching group, or a coven. It is a group where those following earth based paths, can leave their labels and differences behind and instead focus on the similarities.

Friendship, kindness, empathy, love and compassion are all traits that are not confined to one spiritual or religious path. These are traits that help the progression of mankind forward. These qualities uplift the spirit and quench the heart.


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