New Salve

Today I had fun with herbs :D

I  made a wonderful salve for wounds. (some salves, such as those with comfrey or arnica, can not be used on broken skin). This salve has the healing, antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-biotical properties of St. John's Wort, Goldenseal, Myrrh,& Plantain. Good to have on hand for cuts, scrapes, anything that breaks the skin.The ingredients have properties which disinfect and help heal.

Tomorrow's salve is St.John's & Comfrey for bruises, sprains, superficial burns, blisters, (non broken), mild dermatitis. Comfrey is known to draw out inflammation and St.John's is said to work wonderfully on almost all skin troubles. (of course, if you have allergies to these herbs, don't use them)

I got the labels made up today.. typed them out one handed while Demetrio fussed and fidgeted. I sure hope they're ok! lol

I also had to make up new business cards with the .com addy and new email.

I'm so tired. I think I'm going to have a granola bar then try to snooze a bit before Demetrio wakes up to nurse.

I will post pictures of the new salves tomorrow.



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