Today's Nordholt Gathering

Today my husband and I went to an EMP gathering. It wasn't a big official event, more just a gathering of Nordholt folk. In the EMP (Empire of Medieval Pursuits) I am Dunlaith ingen Aed - Dunlaith is pronounced Doon-luh and means Brown Princess- My persona is that of an Irish woman from app 800 AD.
My husband and children came along today, for the first time and they had a very nice time.
Angantyr sparring with Lord and Lady Shewan's youngest.

My husband drumming

My Husband drumming while all the children spar with Lord Shewan

Although it was not a large turnout, it was very nice. The park is a great place to avoid mosquitos out here in the valley. Although the creek is close by I suppose the fact that it is running water and not standing, helps quite a bit. We were there about five hours with not one mosquito bite!

Our good friend Mara and her husband stopped in for a bit and she gave me, in exchange for an astrology report I did, a beautifully hand-made, naturally dyed (with birch, onion skin and a few other things) long piece of trim! I am so in love!
Hand Made trim, from a loom, made by Mara. <3


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