In the Wind

In the beginning I was in the center of the One who loved me.
Then my birth brought me into a world of wonder.
As a child, I loved to play.
So, as many good children do… I pushed limits and wanted to do things my own way. I did not want to come in when I was called.
I played, I got dirty.
I got lost .
I travelled aimlessly. Time passed, and I was frightened.
I thought I could hear my name being called… but it was faint and I wasn’t sure where it was coming from. So I wandered about. Places would look familiar and then I would realize that rather than a familiarity because I was going in the right direction, the sameness was because I was going in circles.
After some time, I found comfort in my circling. I even bedded down and called it home. I was tired of looking for my way back, and in all honesty… by that time, I was beginning to forget what home was.
I adjusted . I ate. I slept, I even met with others . Life went on. Eventually I was oblivious to my origin.
Then, one day, when the trees danced, I heard the call. It was beautiful. I immediately remembered that I was meant to be somewhere. Someone loved me. I was lost.
The voice carried in the wind. Guiding me.
Into open arms I ran. My heart full and my being wrapped in perfect happiness.
I am so glad that I heard the call to return home.


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