About TerraSpirit.Ca

If you found this blog by typing in TerraSpirit.Ca, I apologize. If you are/were a member of Terra Spirit, and did not receive an email update, I'll share here as well.
Although I love TerraSpirit dearly, it has SLOWED to a crawl. The past few months have been the same. I think alot of it has to do with the fact that Social Networking sites are becoming more popular, and people use things like Facebook as a way to stay in touch.I had thought of moving terraspirit to a Facebook group, but it isnt very customizable, and not everyone wants to share their real names.
If you are Canadian and Pagan/Wiccan, http://wiccanweb.ca is a fantastic site. I can't recommend it enough.
For myself, I can not really identify myself as Pagan anymore. And although I am quite interested in magic, it is more from a Hermetic angle. As of late I am also very interested in Gnosticism and am immersing myself in Gnostic Gospels. I love the earth, and I see the earth as a reflection of my inner self through the elements etc. But to run a message board for Pagans/Wiccans, it just isn't my prerogative anymore, and I can not give it the attention it deserves.
If you are interested in joining us at TerraSpirit.Org (terraspirit.ning.com), and you were previously a member of terraspirit.ca, then feel free to check it out. It is non-denominational, and is primarily a site for The Society for the Celebration of Earth and Spirit , and our friends. Pagan, Christian, Jewish, etc... anyone is welcome, as long as they are open to the fact that there is more than just their path. There is more than just their views. If one is a literalist when it comes to their religious dogma, then the Society & Friends site may not be the correct place.
But if one can be focused on the purpose of honouring our earth, and celebrating our indwelling spirit, then it could be the right place!


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