Better Late than Never!

We celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday. Akashik had to work though the long weekend, so we went to my mom's for dinner two days ago instead. It was great.
eoNblue came over yesterday and brought a new little Oak Tree that she had rescued from work.
It is so darling! It is now planted in the yard. She also did a bunch of yard clean up for me, while I followed her around and chatted at her. :D It is SO nice to have it cleared out. Now we can actually get things ready for when spring comes because we can actually SEE where weeds are growing etc... everything was hiding in amongst itself before. I didnt know WHAT was a weed and what was a plant, lol...
eoN also brought some birch branches, so I will be working on making a new wand.
Little D is doing great, taking LOTS of steps now. My lil guy is growing so fast.
Blessings to all!
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