September is here...

And oh my, it most certainly feels like Autumn. I love it.
To me, Autumn starts on Lughnasahd, the autumn equinox is the 'peak' of autumn... and winter starts at Samhain....
Anyhow, as I walked to the grocery store with my oldest son yesterday evening, I had to pull my jacket a little more tightly around me, the chill in the air was undeniable.
And waking up this morning, I was chilly and my nose was a bit runny, lol!
Mabon is coming up soon! Hoping we can at the very least put together a pot-luck dinner, and at the very most, a ritual as well.
Akashik's aunt and uncle brought us a long baby gate to section off the living room from the rest of upstairs. What a life saver!!!
In the one picture, little D is chatting with the cat through the gate, probably asking him how exactly he manages to jump over it, and could he possibly give him a lesson or two.. :D
The gate is great also because the stairwell is right next to the living room, and even though we have a well secure top-of-the-stairs gate, I like that little D can not access it at all.
He has more than enough room to play up here, but what a lot of 'baby proofing' we've had to do, it had been so many years, I'd forgotten!

You can see that our entertainment unit has sort of turned into a child toy storage unit!!! lol


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