It's the Day Before...

our Harvest Home/Mabon celebration.

And Im actually pretty excited. The weather has been perfect. Overcast and grey for the past few days but no rain. There is a charge in the air though and it is easy to feel the year drawing to an end. Eonblue will be here, and we will do a ritual followed by a Harvest dinner. We will do it mid day, so that the little guy isnt too tired and cranky. Corn Dolly's are ready for the altar, there are many flowers in the garden to add to the table....

And even though it might be an odd time for new beginnings... I registered a business. Terra Spirit Essentials.
It is appropriate however, when you think of the fact that at this time of year, the seeds are falling, and over the next few months of darkness, they will prepare, underground, for the year to come.
As with Terra Spirit Essentials.
The idea has taken hold, the legalities have been taken care of, and now it is simply the idea taking hold and taking shape.
I would ideally like to get the business functioning by November 1st, and if the finances all come together, then it will happen. Otherwise it will have to wait a bit longer.
The premise behind Terra Spirit Essentials is... Sooth the body & Stimulate the mind....
I will be selling homemade salves for healing, Chickweed Salve, a blend for baby, (calendula, chickweed, plantain etc), fragranced salves such as Patchouli, Rosewood, Jasmine etc...
I will also be carrying Jin Sticks all natural incense, (as well as specially ground incense for ritual, meditation and purification) home made soaps, and organic teas. And perhaps things made by local pagan artisans.
So wish me luck! I have wanted to do this for such a long time, but I had always thought of a brick and mortar type store and realized that with all the time I spend on the internet that perhaps going with an online store would be the way to go.
So we shall see.
The end is also the beginning.... and this is definitely a new beginning.
Blessed Mabon!


  1. Terra Spirit Essentials sounds like a wonderful idea! I know you will make it hugely successful :)


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